Women Plus Water

"I am Honey Mohammed I have done my BSc in civil engineering "

"My lived experience is currently on water supply and sanitation projects in urban and rural towns in Ethiopia."

"I am committed to this field because in many rural area of Ethiopia girls have no chance to go to school. Rather they spend a lot of time and effort on water. I strongly need to help everyone ,women and men to give them education opportunities."

Water Experience

The supply of adequate and safe water and sanitation services has significant impact on social, economical, and environmental, wellbeing of a community. This ranges from direct benefits as improved individual and community health and general environmental sustainability to direct gains through enhanced educational opportunity and school enrolment (especially for girls), gender equality and empowerment of women. When communities get water from improved and more accessible sources, they spend less time and effort. They use their time on education as well as in other ways. As a Leader first of all I will give them clean water and sanitation and empower them to be motivated, educated, determined and not to give UP on their DREAM.

Opportunities of Interest

  • Volunteer opportunities (e.g., community based projects)
Country: Ethiopia
Languages: English
Sectors: Education, Private Sector, work on water supply and sanitary and also talking my masters class on water supply and sanitary engineering
Primary Water Expertise: water supply projects
Youth (Defined by the United Nations as a young person between the ages of 15-24)