Women Plus Water

"I am a water quality specialist."

"My lived experience includes water quality guideline comparison and assessment."

"I am committed to provide mentorship to hound professionals"

Water Experience

I graduated from the U of S in Geology. I am currently working at a consulting firm (WSP) doing water quality assessment. Our team also have expertise in modelling and geochemistry. I would like to support students and young professionals on career development in water sciences.

Opportunities of Interest

  • Consulting (e.g., government, industry, not-for-profit sector)
  • Being a Mentor

Opportunities Offered

  • Mentorship Short-term (e.g., attend a mentorship circle or event; 1-3 meetings with an individual)
  • Mentorship Long-term (e.g., regular attendance at mentorship circles, frequent meetings 6+ months)
Country: Canada
Languages: English
Sectors: Private Sector
Primary Water Expertise: Policy and Governance