Women Plus Water

Personal Website Organizational Website 


"I am a woman from the highest caste in India and have seen injustices first hand due to lack of adequate WASH"

"My lived experience has taught me to use my academic training and profession to help address some of the greatest WASH challenges globally"

"I am committed to bring about a change by doing everything in my capacity that's possible"

Water Experience

Since the beginning of my career, gender issues have been at the core of most of the water projects that I have managed. Additionally, I have also worked to help address justice and equity issues in water projects, when I worked in India and now in the US. Women bear the most weight when there is a lack of potable water resources. They miss out on education, employment and livelihood opportunities at the cost of their invaluable time and health. I have always worked towards highlighting these issues in my work and writings.

Opportunities of Interest

  • Speaking engagements (e.g., conference panels, keynote addresses)
  • Leadership roles (e.g., board member, committees)
  • Public outreach (e.g., media interviews, podcasts)
  • Youth engagement (e.g., K-12 school presentations)
  • Volunteer opportunities (e.g., community based projects)
  • Consulting (e.g., government, industry, not-for-profit sector)
  • Research (e.g., academic, not-for-profit, government)
  • Being a Mentor

Opportunities Offered

  • Fieldwork
  • volunteer opportunities
Country: United States of America
Languages: English and Hindi
Sectors: NGO
Primary Water Expertise: Agriculture, Climate Change, Community Engagement, Cultural Dimensions, Ecology, Energy, Food, Health, Hydrology, Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM), Indigenous Knowledge, Policy and Governance, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's), Social Dimensions, Water Sanitation Hygiene (WASH), geosciences applications