Women Plus Water



"I am a Brazilian young woman and a Ph.D. researcher in Environmental Systems Analysis and Modeling"

"My lived experience is in research, as well as working in the private and public sectors or volunteering as part of an organized civil society organization, nationally and internationally."

"I am committed to youth and gender inclusion and guaranteeing a prosperous and liveable planet."

Water Experience

Sofia Corradi is a Brazilian Ph.D. student in Analysis and Modeling of Environmental Systems, researching environmental restoration allocation and ecosystem services. She is also a specialist in Geoprocessing and holds a Bachelor of Civil Engineering. Her work relates to the environmental sciences, emphasizing earth sciences, systems modeling, land use, remote sensing, hydrology, and climatology. She has experience in the water resources and sanitation fields, both in the public and private sectors. Additionally, she holds a position and is involved with local and global communities working on youth, water, climate, and environmental issues, such as the Youth Delegates of the World Water Council, #GenerationRestoration Youth Hub, and YOUNGO.

Opportunities of Interest

  • Speaking engagements (e.g., conference panels, keynote addresses)
  • Public outreach (e.g., media interviews, podcasts)
  • Consulting (e.g., government, industry, not-for-profit sector)
  • Research (e.g., academic, not-for-profit, government)
  • Being a Mentor
  • Having a Mentor
Country: Brazil
Languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish, basic Italian and French
Sectors: Academia
Primary Water Expertise: Climate Change, Engineering, Hydrology, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's), Water Sanitation Hygiene (WASH)
Graduate Student