Advisory Committee
Active Members

Research Scientist, Institute for Wetland and Waterfowl Research, Ducks Unlimited Canada; Stonewall, MB
Dr. Pascal Badiou has been a research scientist with Ducks Unlimited Canada’s (DUC) Institute for Wetland and Waterfowl Research (IWWR) since 2006. Prior to joining DUC Pascal worked as an aquatic scientist specializing in water quality and aquatic ecology for an environmental consulting firm in Winnipeg. In general, Pascal’s research interests focus on the ecology of wetlands and shallow lakes. He is particularly interested in how multiple stressors such as droughts, eutrophication, nonindigenous species and pesticides interact to affect the ability of wetlands to enhance water quality and regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Currently Dr. Badiou is working in a number of prairie watersheds where he and his team are examining the impacts of wetland management practices (drainage and restoration) on hydrology and water quality at large scales. Dr. Badiou has a B.Sc. in Environmental Science and a Ph.D. in Wetland Ecology from the University of Manitoba. He is an adjunct professor in the University of Manitoba’s departments of Biological Sciences and Soil Science.

Analystical Services Manager, Science and Technology Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Regina, SK
Aston Chipanshi obtained his MSc from the University of Guelph (1991) and PhD from the University of Saskatchewan (1996), where he trained as an agrometeorologist. After a short stint at Queen’s University as PDF, Aston joined AAFC-PFRA in 2001 where he has worked in various capacities to date. His research interests include the resilience of Canadian agriculture to climate change and the modelling and prediction of crop yield under the present and future climatic conditions.

Manager, North Saskatchewan River Basin Council; Hafford, SK
Katherine Finn recently moved to the country overlooking the North Saskatchewan River. She shares this view with her three small children, her husband and many other species. In her spare time, she completed her Bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan and has been assisting the North Saskatchewan River Basin Council for the last ten years, to implement their source water protection plan. Her favourite part of this effort includes working with First Nations to increase their water security and resiliency. She also assists children to discover how they can protect their water sources, recreational cabin owners to understand how their lawns are just as bad as the cattle across the lake, and municipalities to include water management initiatives in step with their many other operations.

Special Projects Worker, Mistawasis Nêhiyawak; Indigenous Mentor in Residence, University of Saskatchewan SENS; Mistawasis Nêhiyawak, SK
Anthony is a member of and works on special projects for Mistawasis Nêhiyawak, a Cree community north of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. He also serves as a board memeber to the North Saskatchewan River Basin Council and Prince Albert Model Forest. He returned to his community with the hope of contributing life, work and educational experiences for the benefit of community. He believes that his contribution has been developing and building on partnerships, alliances and friendships with good true people who care. The Mistawasis “Honour the Water” project includes 8 contributing partners and has led to additional partners and work. Anthony has worked with federal and provincial governments in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. He has a BA in History from the University of Manitoba.
“I was born on a muddy road during a spring that followed historic snowfall. I was born into water and dirt”

Agricultural Groundwater Specialist, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry; Edmonton, AB
Jacqueline Kohn has a bachelor degree in Geophysics from Argentina. After her graduation, she was working as Scientist at the National Research Council of Argentina and at the Argentine Antarctic Institute. She was also Teaching Assistant at the University of La Plata. In 2004, she moved to Canada with her family and she completed her Master and PhD degree in Remote Sensing at the University of Sherbrooke, Quebec. In 2010 she was awarded the Governor General’s Gold Medal for her doctorate.
After completing her PhD, she worked for the Oil and Gas Industry as Project Scientist. As she was looking for new challenges, she joined Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AFF) in 2013 as an Agricultural Groundwater Specialist and she is currently leading a project about the livestock manure effects on groundwater quality in Alberta. Her areas of interest include groundwater modelling, water quality, remote sensing and numerical simulations.
General Manager, Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan; Regina, SK

Water Quality Scientist, Water Quality, Water Security Agency; Adjunct Professor, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan; Saskatoon SK
John-Mark works for the Water Security Agency of Saskatchewan (WSA) in Saskatoon as a Water Quality Scientist. He is originally from Kenora Ontario but has since lived in all the western Canadian provinces as well as Africa and a couple summers in southern Ontario. In this role with the WSA he is involved in water quality monitoring and research. Water interests include nutrient dynamics in lakes and rivers, saline lakes, lake and reservoir management, interjurisdictional aspects related to water quality, but especially canoeing. John-Mark obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Victoria, an M.Sc. from the University of Manitoba, and a B.Sc. from the University of Saskatchewan. He has an adjunct professor appointment at the University of Saskatchewan’s School of the Environment and Sustainability and is an associate editor for the journal Lake and Reservoir Management.
Manager, Groundwater Servcies, Saskatchewan Water Security Agency

Manitoba Director, Red River Basin Commission; Winnipeg, MB (Prairie Water Advisory Committee Chair 2018)
Steve has passion for family, friends and the environment. He is employed at the Red River Basin Commission as the Manitoba Director, where he focuses on water management and water quality issues facing the Red River Basin both in the US and Manitoba. He holds a certificate in Financial Management and as well, he has been awarded the Queen Jubilee metal in 2013 for Region Partnership and in 2014 was awarded “the Friend of Planning” award by the Manitoba Professional Planners Institute.
Steve has worked for the Province of Manitoba from 2011 to 2017 as a Flood Protection Officer as well he also served as a councilor for the RM of St. Clements from 2002 to 2004 and then the Mayor from 2004- 2014. During his term, Steve successfully took on many environmental issues that faced his community and their watershed.

Executive Director, Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve; Projects and Partnerships Manager, North Saskatchewan River Basin Council
John has been involved in establishing and managing environmental non-governmental organizations since 2000. The role as a municipal leader for 16 years has given him a greater understanding of the interaction between land owners and municipalities. His experience and capacity as a local and provincial board member has given him the ability to deal with all levels of government as well as stakeholder representatives.
As Executive Director of the Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve, North Sask River AEGP Technician, and Projects and Partnerships Manager for the North Saskatchewan River Basin Council, John has gained valuable experience working with stakeholders on numerous environmental and water related projects. He was involved with the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada LIRA project, in which the Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve was a pilot site. John was also instrumental in the development of the Redberry Lake Regional Planning District and is currently working on an economic development project that involves regional waste management for this district.

Director, Water Quality and Habitat Assessment Services, Environmental and Municipal Management Services Division, Water Security Agency; Regina, SK
Glen leads unit activities encompassing environmental water quality monitoring and biomonitoring, agri-environmental habitat enhancement programming, mitigation and enhancement of impacts of water management infrastructure and operation on species at risk and the environment, and wetland and drainage inventory, monitoring and policy development. Glen received a Ph.D. (Ornithology) and a B.Sc. (Honours Zoology) from the University of Manitoba. Glen initially moved to Saskatchewan to work for the Saskatchewan Wetland Conservation Corporation, and has remained in Crown Corporation employment through reorganizations to the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority, and Water Security Agency. Past avian and fisheries work led to adventures in 4 of Canada’s 5 terrestrial biomes, grassland, deciduous forest, boreal forest, and tundra; Glen completes the quintet with trips in the mountain biome on his own time.
Ex-Officio Members
Dr. Alasdair Morrison, Prairie Water Research Officer
Dr. Chris Spence, Prairie Water Co Principal Investigator
Dr. Colin Whitfield, Prairie Water Co-Principal Investigator