Prairie Water vAPM 2021: Week 2

Developing Decision-Support Tools

For Week 2 of our "Tour through Prairie Water", we have two videos that provide a window into the production of science for decision-support tools within the project. We will delve into greater detail in lead up and at the vAPM's live session.

First up is a video by Dr. Masaki Hayashi who has been working with the province of Alberta to generate estimates for groundwater recharge. This method places particular emphasis on groundwater recharge occurring within and around landscape depressions and wetlands.

Second, Dr. Eric Asare, a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Saskatchewan, describes his work to evaluate private net present values of wetlands and how this work may apply to conservation approaches. Moreover, he provides a walkthrough for a web-app that he is producing for users to visualize and explore different pricing scenarios.