Partners in Research invited Visiting Professor Dr. Andrew Slaughter to deliver a webinar after he published a piece on drought in the Conversation.

IMPC Webinar on Climate and Water Resources

IMPC team members Andrew and Hayley were invited to give a Webinar on Climate Change and Water Resources intended for grades 6-10 students.

Visiting Professor Dr. Andrew Slaughter and IMPC User Engagement Specialist Hayley Carlson appeared in a webinar for students across Canada, highlighting water management challenges and the need for research offered by IMPC and the Global Water Futures Program.

Dr. Slaughter recently joined the Global Institute for Water Security and the IMPC team from South Africa. In February, Dr. Slaughter co-published a piece on water issues and solutions in the Canadian edition of The Conversation – an independent source of news and views from the research community. Partners in Research Canada, a charity dedicated to helping Canadians understand the significant of research, reached out to arrange a webinar between Dr. Slaughter and students across Canada in Grades 6-10.

The webinar focuses on explaining basic concepts of the hydrological cycle, exploring water management challenges in Canada and other jurisdictions, the need to manage water for many different uses and how research like IMPC supports decision-making around water resources. Dr. Slaughter and Hayley took live questions after the presentation. Nineteen classrooms around the country tuned into the live broadcast, and more signed up to view the recording.

Watch the webinar below: