Fifth (Virtual) Annual Meeting, July 2022
The 5th annual IMPC meeting took place in July 2022. Two workshops and two webinars were open for public to attend and the recordings have been posted online. Visit event page for more details and presentation recordings.
Fourth (Virtual) Annual Meeting, June 2021
The 4th annual IMPC meeting was held virtually on 16 June, 2021 in an abridged workshop format due to COVID-19 pandemic. Visit event page for more details.
Third (Virtual) Annual General Meeting, June 2020
The 3rd annual IMPC meeting was held virtually on 15-17 June, 2020 in an abridged format due to challenges posed by COVID-19 situation. For all detials on this event, please visit the event page.
Second Annual General Meeting, June 2019

June 12-13, 2019
Louis' Loft, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon SK
Global Water Future’s (GWF) Integrated Modelling Program for Canada (IMPC) held its second annual general meeting on June 12-13th, 2019 in Saskatoon. The meeting was meant for researchers from IMPC, the GWF core modelling team, and partner organizations and communities, to present, evaluate, and discuss research progress and knowledge mobilization successes in the second year, and strategies moving into the final year of Phase I. The meeting was also designed to provide opportunities for our partners and collaborators in user organizations to engage in two-way discussions such as café tables and a stakeholder panel, and also for highly qualified personnel (students, post-doctoral fellows, and research assistants) to showcase their work by way of "2-minute lightning talks" and posters and interactive displays.
The two-day gathering highlighted the significance of the large amount of modelling work accomplished by the IMPC/Core Modelling team, and the valuable creation of a growing network of researchers-practitioners through IMPC’s work, that includes meaningful partnerships with, and contributions by Indigenous communities. It also highlighted some of the scientific and project management challenges that arise with such a large project and that need to be addressed by IMPC in near future. Some next steps identified include the need to a) form a task-force committee to lead the integration of various modelling components within IMPC; b) improve the visibility of the research and user engagement activities by IMPC/Core Modelling team; and c) plan for the next phase of IMPC which would extend the project until August 2023.
More information on our previous meetings can be found below.Contact: Dr. Amin Haghnegahdar, Program Manager,
Day 1: Wednesday, June 12, 2019 |
Theme A, Chair: Dr. Stadnyk |
8:30-8:45 |
Dr. Razavi |
8:45-9:15 |
Prof. Famiglietti |
9:15-9:30 |
Prof. Pomeroy |
9:30-9:45 |
GWF Core modelling Team: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities |
Dr. Pietroniro/Prof. Clark |
9:45-10:00 |
Dr. Li |
10:00-10:20 |
Progress in model couplings for water quality & river ice modelling (A3 and A4) |
Dr. Lindenschmidt |
Theme A (Cont’d), Chair: Dr. Lindenschmidt |
11:00-11:15 |
Prof. Pomeroy |
11:15-11:30 |
Mr. Marsh |
11:40-11:55 |
Dr. Stadnyk/Dr. Awoye |
11:30-11:40 |
Mr. Princz |
11:55-12:05 |
Dr. Mai/Dr. Tolson |
12:05-12:15 |
Mrs. Peterson |
Theme A (Cont’d), Chair: Dr. Mai |
13:30-13:45 |
Does one Distribution fit all? Proof of concept on streamflow across Canada (A6) |
Prof. Elshorbagy/Zaghloul/ Dr. Papalexiou |
13:45-14:00 |
Overview of VARS-TOOL for sensitivity and uncertainty analysis (A7) |
Dr. Razavi |
Day 2: Thursday, June 13th, 2019 |
Themes B-D, Chair: Prof. Elshorbagy |
8:30-9:00 |
Dr. Razavi: Overview of Water Resources Modelling and Challenges (B1) Lightning talks: - Development and testing of water allocation models for all Saskatchewan River Sub-Basins (Mr. Ali) - Tree-ring-based water supply scenarios for the Saskatchewan River Basin (Dr. Slaughter) - Stochastic generation of water supply scenarios by a weather generator with perturbed weather properties (Mr. Keshavarz) - Understanding Human Adaptation to Drought in Bow River Basin: Agent-Based Agricultural Water Demand modeling (Mr. Ghoreishi) |
Dr. Razavi/Mr. Ali/Dr. Do/Dr. Slaughter/Mr. Keshavarz/Mr. Ghoreishi |
9:00-9:15 |
Ms. Carlson/Prof. Gober |
9:15-9:30 |
Prof. Gutwin |
9:30-9:45 |
Asadzadeh: Water resources modelling - Manitoba (Nelson-Churchill) |
Dr. Asadzadeh/Ms. Kim |
Themes B-D (Cont’d), Chair: Prof. Brouwer |
10:30-11:15 |
Prof. Brouwer: Challenges of Model Integration and Overview of the IMPC Hydro-Economics Approach (B3) - Hydro-Economic Model for the Great Lakes Basin (Dr. Hernandez) - Hydro-Economic Model for the Saskatchewan River Basin (Ms. Eamen) - Integration of Monitoring Data into a Pan-Canadian Water Quality Valuation Model (Dr. Pinto) |
Prof. Brouwer/Dr. Hernandez/Ms. Eamen/Dr. Pinto |
11:15-11:30 |
Dr. Lento/Dr. Jardine |
11:30-11:45 |
Strickert: Indigenous Engagement (D1) - Harmonizing Water Resources Modeling with Indigenous ways of knowing (Mohammadiazar) |
Dr. Strickert/Ms. Mohammadiazar |
Management & Knowledge Mobilization, Chair: Dr. Razavi |
13:30-14:30 |
User Panel: Vision and Future Planning |
Drs.Tollefson, Tang, Stadnyk, Renouf |
14:30-14:45 |
Ms. Carlson |
14:45-15:00 |
Dr. Haghnegahdar |
First Annual General Meeting, July 2018

July 18-19, 2018
National Hydrology Research Centre, Saskatoon SK
IMPC held its first annual general meeting on July 18-19th, 2018 at National Hydrology Research Centre, Saskatoon. This was a chance for members of the IMPC team, as well as the Global Water Futures (GWF) Core Modelling Team, to present, evaluate, and discuss their progress over the past year. Strategies for user-engagement and knowledge mobilization were also discussed during the meeting.
Nearly 90 people from academic, regulatory, and industrial sectors attended the meeting in-person or online. Attendees included researchers, students, collaborators, and representatives of various indigenous, municipal, provincial, and national stakeholders from 16 organizations, including the University of Saskatchewan, University of Manitoba, University of Waterloo, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Prairie Provinces Water Board, Government of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Water Security Agency, SaskPower, Partners for the Saskatchewan River Basin, Alberta Environment and Parks, City of Calgary, Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation, Manitoba Hydro, Yukon Department of Environment, and Cumberland House. Martyn Clark, from the National Center for Atmospheric Research, was the featured speaker for the meeting.
In addition to presentations by lead researchers, the meeting was designed to provide extra opportunities for knowledge user communities to engage in discussions via café discussion tables and a modelling panel, and also for Highly Qualified Personel to showcase their work through poster and interactive presentations. The notable final remarks from the strategic advisor to GWF, Professor Howard Wheater, highlighted the significance of creating a community of researchers and users by IMPC so far, the significance of inclusion of the indigenous communities in the research, and the scientific and management progresses and challenges of IMPC to advance the research over year 2 of the program. Two members of the IMPC/GWF team recently passed away, Ric Soulis and Ric Yanowicz, were remembered during this meeting.
Welcome, IMPC overview, meeting agenda (Razavi)
Global Water Futures: Year one progress (Pomeroy)
Remarks from the Strategic Advisor to GWF (Wheater)
GWF core modelling team (Pietroniro)
Invited Talk
Vision for continental hydrological prediction (Clark)
Research Theme A
High-resolution atmospheric modelling- A1 (Li)
Improving hydrologic process representations- A2 (Pomeroy)
Water quality and river ice- A3 and A4 (Lindenschmidt)
Model inter-comparison and multi-model analysis- A5 (Tolson/Mai)
HYPE modelling in the Nelson River basin: A multi-model assessment- A5 and A2 (Stadnyk)
Floodplain mapping- A6 (Elshorbagy)
Uncertainty characterization in modelling- A7 (Razavi)
Research Themes B, C and D
Water resources modelling- B1 (Razavi)
Water resources modelling, Manitoba (Nelson-Churchill) (Asadzadeh)
Hydro-economic modelling- B3 (Brouwer)
Water management challenges, scenarios and decision-support- C1 (Gober)
Cultural and environmental flows, and user engagement- D1 (Strickert)
Advanced visualization tools- D2 (Gutwin)
Project Management & Knowledge Mobilization
Kick-Off Workshop, September 2017

September 14-15, 2017
National Hydrology Research Centre, Saskatoon SK
The aim of the IMPC Kick-Off Workshop was to plan for large-scale modelling activities for forecasting, prediction, and water resources management and decision support over the next three years, until August 2020. Key objectives also included integrating the Core Global Water Futures (GWF) Modelling group into IMPC, as well as engaging knowledge producers and collaborators at the outset of the program.
Nearly 70 people from 16 academic, regulatory, and industrial sectors attended the workshop in-person or online to present and discuss their objectives, plans, and perspectives. Distinguished Professor Eric Wood from Princeton University also participated in this workshop as one of the international advisors to the IMPC program.
Final concluding remarks of the workshop emphasized a need for:
- Right and clear directions from the management team for efficient and timely progress;
- A clear Inception Report that outlines explicit plans, timelines, and deliverables;
- A User Engagement Strategy that clearly outlines plans for engaging diverse stakeholders and partners; and
- Close coordination between IMPC and the core modelling team.
Global Water Futures: Overview, Updates and Links to IMPC (Wheater)
Overview of IMPC Objectives and Research Themes (Razavi)
Research Theme A
Overview of Theme A: Integrated Earth Systems Modelling (Pietroniro)
High-Resolution Atmospheric Modelling (Li)
Advancing Modelling Strategies for Canada: MESH, VIC & CHM (Pomeroy)
Model Inter-Comparison and Multi-Model Analysis (Tolson)
User Perspective: State of Hydrologic Forecasting in Manitoba (Unduche)
User Perspective: State of Hydrologic Forecasting in the Yukon (Janowicz)
Non-Point Source Modelling: HYPE and the Future of MESH & CHM (Costa)
Water Quality Modelling and River Ice Modelling (Lindenschmidt)
Floodplain and Flood Risk Analysis: A SaskRB Perspective (Elshorbagy)
Floodplain and Flood Risk Analysis: Great Lakes RB Perspective and FloodNET Experience (Coulibaly)
Characterization & Attirbution of Uncertainty in Modelling (Razavi)
Research Theme B
Overview of Theme B: Water Management Modelling & Saskatchewan RB case (Razavi)
Water Resources Modelling: Manitoba and the Nelson-Churchill (Asadzadeh)
In-Stream Flow Demand: Aquatic Ecosystem Health Indicators (Jardine/Peters)
Hydro-Economic Modelling (Brouwer)
User Perspective: Prairie Provinces Water Board (Renouf)
User Perspective: Irrigation Demands in the Prairie and Irrigation Expansion (Tollefson)
User Perspective: WSA Issues, Lake Diefenbaker, and More (Hallborg)
User perspective: WRMM and Alberta issues (Tang)
User Perspective: Manitoba Hydro's Perspective on WRMM (Gawne)
Research Theme C and Theme D
Overview of Theme C: Decision Making Under Uncertainty and Non-Stationarity (Razavi)
Exploratory Modelling and Decision Support (Gober)
GWF and IMPC Plans for Knowledge Mobilization (Strickert)
Human-Computer Interface and Visualization (Gutwin)
Core Modelling Team
Overview of Core Modelling Positions (Pietroniro)
Project Management
Project Management and Planning (Haghnegahdar)