Explore Science

Browse this page for tools developed under IMPC.

Interactive Atlas for Future Water Threats in Canada

An interactive atlas showing modelling results using climate data from the Climate Data Store run by Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

DAVIS: Visualize Hydroclimatic Data

The IMPC DAta and Model VISualization tool, or "DAVIS", helps visualize spatio-temporal hydroclimateic data. *Please note the tool is currently under construction and not fully functional*

Explore Various Water Scenarios

Our Water Scenario Explorer platform provides access to innovative water modelling & scenario analyses to guide management options under future uncertainty. *This tool is currently a pilot version*

VARS: Variogram Analysis of Response Surface

THe VARS tool allows for characterization of uncertainty (finding out which parameters or inputs are contributing to uncertainty and by how much) in earth systems and environmental simulations.