Nandita Basu receives AGU's Sulzman Award for Excellence in Education and Mentoring Award

The Sulzman Award for Excellence in Education and Mentoring is presented annually to a mid-career female scientist in recognition of significant contributions as a role model and mentor for the next generation of biogeoscientsts.

from University of Waterloo

The Sulzman Award for Excellence in Education and Mentoring is presented annually to a mid-career female scientist in recognition of significant contributions as a role model and mentor for the next generation of biogeoscientsts.

This year's recipient is Professor Nandita Basu, a professor in Earth and Environmental Sciences and Civil and Environmental Engineering, Water Institute member and the Collaborative Water Program director.

Basu studies the role that humans play in modifying water availability and quality through changing land use and climate, providing innovative solutions to water sustainability challenges.

She actively collaborates with ecologists, social scientists and economists to explore other aspects of sustainable water management as part of her research.

Currently Basu is leading the Lake Futures research project, part of Global Water Futures, that aims to deliver adaptive watershed and lake management solutions that minimize tradeoffs between lake ecosystems, water uses, and economic growth.