New 2024 Briefing Book - Realising Global Water Futures: a Summary of Progress in Delivering Solutions to Water Threats in an Era of Global Change

In 2016, with initial funding through the Canada First Research Excellence Fund, the Global Water Futures team set out to produce actionable scientific knowledge on how we can best forecast, prepare for, and manage water futures in the face of dramatically increasing risks. As Global Water Futures moves towards synthesizing the results of its research, this briefing book, updated in 2024, provides description of the progress of GWF’s more than 50 projects up to 2023. The book includes links to related peer-reviewed publications, dissertations, and conference papers, a table that categorises the projects by theme, and an index.

Realising Global Water Futures 2024
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Realising Global Water Futures - Previous Editions


Progress Reports

Midterm Report - 2020

Progress Report - February 27, 2017

Annual Progress Report - September 6, 2018

Annual Progress Report - August 19, 2019 

Other Reports