Weaving Science

Stories of Research Engagement

"Sharing our research with the broader community is an essential part of being a scientist. As scientists, we must learn to communicate our work in ways that are accessible, understandable, and engaging for all Canadians." - Dr. Mona Nemer, Canada's Chief Science Advisor

Global Water Futures is committed to producing new knowledge that can be used in dealing effectively with the challenges of climate and social change. Co-production, collaboration, and sharing of knowledge between researchers and practitioners working towards solutions to real-world water and climate challenges are at the core of GWF's knowledge mobilization work. Experience has shown us that the most effective mobilization of scientific knowledge involves a close association of researchers and potential knowledge users with co-creation intentions and methods in transdisciplinary settings. With this in mind, we are working to capture and share first-hand accounts of the ways that GWF scientists have worked and learned with people from governments, private sector, local communities, and civil society to unleash new water knowledge.

The stories shared here were created through a series of workshops with GWF researchers and knowledge users. They are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs

CC BY-NC-ND licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). That means you are free to download and re-share the stories as long as you credit the storyteller and Global Water Futures, but you can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
