Global Water Futures

Strategic Management Committee

Picture of Jennifer Baltzer

Jennifer Baltzer
Associate Professor

Canada Research Chair in Forests and Global Change

Picture of Helen Baulch

Helen Baulch
Assistant Professor

School of Environment and Sustainability and Global Institute for Water Security

Picture of Sean Carey

Sean Carey

School of Geography & Earth Sciences, McMaster University

Picture of Dr. Lawrence  Martz

Dr. Lawrence Martz
Vice-Dean of Faculty Relations and Professor, University of Saskatchewan

College of Arts and Science, Department of Geography and Planning

Picture of Deborah McGregor

Deborah McGregor
Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Environmental Justice

York University

Picture of Al Pietroniro

Al Pietroniro

Director, Environment and Climate Change Canada - Water and Climate Services

Picture of Dr. John Pomeroy

Dr. John Pomeroy FRSC
Director, Global Water Futures Programme

Distinguished Professor, Dept. of Geography & Planning,
Canada Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change,
Director, USask Centre for Hydrology,
Director, USask Coldwater Laboratory, Canmore, Alberta

Picture of David Rudolph

David Rudolph

Professor, Groundwater (Interim Chair), University of Waterloo

Picture of  Corinne Schuster-Wallace

Corinne Schuster-Wallace
Executive Director, Global Institute for Water Security

Picture of  Julie Theriault

Julie Theriault
Associate Professor, University of Quebec at Montreal

GWF Projects: Climate-Related Precipitation Extremes | Mountain Water Futures | Storms and Precipitation Across the continental Divide Experiment

Picture of  Philippe Van Cappellen

Philippe Van Cappellen

Canada Excellence Research Chair, University of Waterloo