GWF project progress summarized for knowledge users

The book includes links to related peer-reviewed publications, dissertations, and conference papers

In 2016, with initial funding through the Canada First Research Excellence Fund, Global Water Futures (GWF) set out to produce actionable scientific knowledge on how we can best forecast, prepare for and manage water futures in the face of dramatically increasing risks across Canada.

To date, GWF has produced thousands of peer-reviewed publications, articles, and datasets through more than 65 individual projects and core team efforts. To begin synthesizing these findings in a way that will be helpful to users, we worked with GWF’s User Advisory Panel to develop a briefing document that summarizes key scientific advancements, outputs, and outreach activities up to 2022. The document is organized by project and geographical focus (i.e., Canada-wide, Mountain West, Prairie Region, Northern Region, and Great Lakes Region). To help find specific content, there is a topical and geographic index and a table that identifies projects by issues and potential users.

The book includes links to related peer-reviewed publications, dissertations, and conference papers.

GWF envisions this as a living document that will continue to be updated as more products are released. In the meantime, we are sharing it widely as a way to engage audiences that might find the information useful. We are looking for feedback and ideas to improve the next version. If you would like to share your comments, please contact us at the GWF Knowledge Mobilization Team:

Monica Morrison
Nancy Goucher

View and download: Realising Global Water Futures: a Summary of Progress in Delivering Solutions to Water Threats in an Era of Global Change