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Isabelle Durance

Isabelle Durance is a professor at Cardiff School of Biosciences. Her research focuses on three key areas: the role of river biodiversity in sustaining key ecosystem services, the role of landscape processes in driving freshwater ecosystems, the impact of global changes on freshwater ecosystems. Isabelle believes that interdisciplinary research is necessary to find solutions to current environmental challenges and aims to foster collaborations between academics and stakeholders through her different roles. She is the Director of Cardiff Water Research Institute, of the GW4 Water Security Alliance and of GW4 FRESH Centre for Doctoral Training.

Jared Wolfe

Jared Wolfe is the Project Manager for the Prairie Water project under the Global Water Futures program and is based out of the University of Saskatchewan’s Global Institute for Water Security. He is an aquatic ecosystems ecologist with an interest in exploring how the interaction between science, policy, and management can promote sustainable water resources. He places a strong emphasis on collaboration in projects and providing an open space for dialogue on wicked environmental issues.

Jared also sits on the National Board for the Sierra Club of Canada Foundation as the Regional Director for the Prairie Region. Within this role, he serves on the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion National Committee that aims to operationalize principles of diversity and inclusion in organizational programming at national and local levels. Through listening to and working with his colleagues, Jared hopes to serve as an ally to promote approaches of inclusion within his wider community.

Event Details

12:30 PM - 01:30 PM CST
Zoom Webinar

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