The Global Water Futures Young Professionals GWF-YP invites you to register for a virtual panel on "Job Hunting Outside of Academia in a Pandemic" on March 23, 2021, 12:00-1:00 pm CST (2 pm-3 pm EST). Please join us for a structured conversation that presents diverse perspectives on career opportunities, challenging stereotypes about career paths, and inspires young professionals to plan their next steps during the covid-19 pandemic.

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Mallika Nanduri Bhatt is the Director General of International and Intergovernmental Affairs at Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). Her team advances Canadian natural resources priorities in international policy, trade and S&T areas, and works to foster federal-provincial-territorial collaboration. Mallika began her career at NRCan working in the Office of Energy Efficiency, as an economist. In late 2007, she took on the role of Senior Policy Advisor to the Deputy Minister, gaining a broad perspective on the full spectrum of Canadian natural resource issuesShe also spent several years at Environment and Climate Change Canada, where she held senior positions managing key partnerships and working on environmental policy issues such as conservation and climate change adaptation. She also served as Chief Results and Delivery Officer for the department, prior to re-joining NRCan in 2017 in the role of Director General, Policy and Planning, for the Energy Technology Sector. 


Phil De Luna is currently the youngest-ever Director at the National Research Council of Canada where he leads a world-class $57M research program on Canada-made clean energy technology. His mandate is to develop transformative technologies to help Canada achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.  De Luna is a carbontech innovator with experience spanning cutting-edge topics such as carbon capture and conversion technologies, clean hydrogen, and artificial intelligence for materials discovery. His research has been published in high-impact journals such as Nature and Science (>6000 citations in 5 years) and has been covered by mainstream media such as Newsweek, CBC, Forbes, Popular Science, and more. He holds a PhD from the University of Toronto in Materials Science & Engineering where he was a Governor General Gold Medalist. 

Phil was named to the 2019 Forbes Top 30 Under 30 – Energy list and was a finalist (1 of 10 worldwide) in the $20M Carbon XPRIZE. He is Vice Chair of the board of directors of CMC Research Institutes, a carbontech non-profit, a member of the OECD Advanced Materials steering committee, and a member of the Working Group on AI Ethics and Sustainable Development Goals at the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. He is also a Mission Innovation Champion for Canada, an Action Canada Fellow, and a Creative Destruction Lab Mentor and a 2x TEDx Speaker. In his spare time Phil hosts and produces the podcast “What’s Next In…” about the rapidly changing world and how we can get ahead of it. 


Emily De Cloet is a Water Resources Specialist at St. Clair Region Conservation Authority. Her main role includes maintaining meteorological equipment and analyzing data as part of her flood forecasting and warning duties. Emily uses this information to communicate with municipalities and the public about flood events, including recent interviews with The Weather Network and CBC Radio. Emily holds a Bachelor of Environmental Studies in Geography and Environmental Management from the University of Waterloo and an Environmental Technician Diploma from Fleming College. When not working, Emily enjoys hiking and tapping into her creative side with the flute and knitting.


Katie Suek is the Community Division Manager at Canada North Environmental Services located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.  She has worked in consulting for over 15 years and received her academic training in anthropology and sustainable environmental management from the University of Saskatchewan. She specializes in human-environment interactions and the human dimension of sustainable environmental management and decision-making.


Sam Jackson is a Consultant with Boston Consulting Group, where her work focuses on everything from financial institutions to social impact. She completed her PhD at McMaster University in 2018, where she was a Vanier Scholar and studied asylum seeker healthcare expansion strategies. Prior to making the leap to consulting, Sam’s work focused on social change; she is the co-founder of the RU Lifeline Syria Challenge, Canada’s first university-based asylum seeker sponsorship program that sponsored 350 newcomers to Canada and raised $5M, and previously researched inclusion and innovation at the Diversity Institute at Ryerson University.   

Event Details

12:00 PM - 01:00 PM CST
Zoom Webinar

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