GWF 2022

GWF is pleased to announce the upcoming 2022 GWF Annual Open Science Meeting "Knowledge to Action" happening May 16th - 18th Online!

Registration is now open! Click below to go to for more information and to register!

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Theme: Knowledge to Action

Managing and governing water futures – GWF research encompasses direct governance and management research as well as tools and models to support innovative water governance and management. Day 1 will focus on how GWF knowledge is/can be used towards changing approaches that better respond to climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Water-related risk reduction – GWF is actively generating knowledge, models, and tools, to reduce risks faced by ecosystems, various economic sectors, and individuals and communities. Risk reduction is a clear and critical knowledge to action pathway within GWF.

Harnessing data and knowledge to improve water practice – GWF has invested in models, tools, apps, sensors, and scenarios. How are these being deployed to improve water practice and what other opportunities exist (e.g., artificial intelligence).

High-Level Meeting Structure

Plenary sessions will include international perspectives and partners speaking to the theme of the day

Scientific sessions will be lightning talks grouped according to the GWF science themes and geared towards GWF YP research. However, these will not be straight research presentations. An abstract template will require potential presenters to clearly align research progress and outcomes (knowledge) with how it is or will be applied (action).

High-level panel sessions will continue the theme of the day from the plenary sessions and provide opportunities to focus on specific elements within the theme.

Climate change, modelling, and Indigenous Knowledge and perspectives will be cross cutting themes.

Virtual Seminar: Literature Review Basics


As part of the 2022-GWF Annual Science Meeting Events, the GWF-Young Professionals association invites you to attend a Literature Review Seminar presented by Dr. Simon Papalexiou on May 19, 2022.

You will get practical tips for finding sources, reading in a timely manner, and synthesizing ideas for your review for different purposes. Here is a brief description of the objectives of this seminar:

  • Structuring literature review for different purposes
  • Avoiding common mistakes in the reviewing process and providing useful tips
  • Reading fast techniques
  • Submitting manuscripts and avoiding predatory journals

Sign up today!

We are looking forward to seeing you at our event!!

GWF Code of Conduct

  1. Treat all participants with dignity and respect in accordance with the principle of Manācihitowin: a Cree/Michif phrase that translates to ‘let us respect each other’.
  2. Participate with academic integrity in accordance with the University of Saskatchewan’s Guidelines for Academic Conduct.
  3. Provide your true professional identity, affiliation, and, where appropriate, contact information, at registration, and during attendance and conference sessions, as required.
  4. Demonstrate respect for others by practicing active listening skills (e.g., keeping microphones muted while others speak, asking questions, engaging in an open dialogue of ideas).
  5. Respect the rules and policies of the meeting hosts including the digital platform providers.
  6. There will be no tolerance for any behavior that is considered by a participant to be harassment, bullying, threatening, violent, or aggressive.
  7. Should anyone engage in conduct that constitutes harassment, bullying, threatening, violence, or aggression they will be immediately removed from the event.
  8. If you need to report a violation of this code of conduct please email This account will be monitored throughout the event.
  9. Practice accountability by working together to identify problems and adjust practices to create a welcoming environment for everyone.

Event Details
