Women Plus Water Lecture Series - Flood Warnings and MapsWomen Plus Water Lecture Series

Flood Warnings and Maps Water Models and Tools in Practice

Join host Dr. Chandra Rajulapati as she talks with guests Dr. Monireh Faramarzi and Dr. Tricia Stadnyk about the practical applications of modelling. Topics will include the impacts of climate change on water supply-demand from an agricultural and economic perspective and the use of artificial intelligence for flood risk and resilience.

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  • Dr. Chandra Rajulapati
    Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering, University of Manitoba


  • Dr. Monireh Faramarzi
    Associate Professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Canada
  • Dr. Tricia Stadnyk
    Tier II Canada Research Chair in Hydrologic Modelling, Associate Professor Geography, The University of Calgary

More Info

Dr. Chandra Rajulapati
Dr. Chandra Rajulapati is an Assistant Professor at the University of Manitoba. She worked as a Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Saskatchewan after obtained the doctoral degree from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore, India. She received a joint fellowship from the Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences and the Global Water Futures Program given her interdisciplinary research in statistics and hydrology. Her research focuses on developing statistical models, downscaling schemes and novel probabilistic tools for hydroclimatology. She works on understanding historical and future changes in hydroclimatic variables including precipitation and temperature at different spatial and temporal scales, estimating risk due to extreme events such as floods, droughts and heatwaves, and developing adaptation and mitigation strategies. She is also interested in big data analysis, parallel computing and machine learning techniques.

Dr. Monireh Faramarzi
Dr. Monireh Faramarzi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Canada. She received her PhD from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETHZ in 2010. She is currently leading the Watershed Science and Modelling Laboratory that involves developing and applying physical, biogeochemical, and process-based tools such as hydrological, agricultural, and climate models to study water and food challenges in the context of climate change. Her research focuses on assessing trade-offs and interactions between water and land resources, crop production, and socio-economic drivers for environmentally-informed management plans. To date, her research has elaborated on subjects related to the impacts of climate change and management factors on crop yields, streamflow, floods, droughts, and more recently, on nutrients and chemical loads and transport in agricultural lands of Canadian Prairies. Her research goal is to contribute to the science of “water-food-energy and environment” nexus under an uncertain future in the Anthropocene.
Laboratory: https://cms.eas.ualberta.ca/faramarzilab/

Dr. Tricia Stadnyk
Dr. Tricia Stadnyk is the Canada Research Chair in Hydrologic Modelling and Full Professor at the University of Calgary, Department of Geography, and a registered Professional Engineer in Manitoba and Alberta. She leads a team of dedicated engineers and scientists researching continental-scale water supply and hydrologic assessment under changing climates, with particular emphasis on extreme events and continental scale water supply. She is currently the vice president of the International Association for Hydrological Sciences Tracer Commission, a National Director for the Canadian Water Resources Association, and the President and CEO of a consulting company, HydroS Engineering Ltd.
Laboratory: https://ucalgary.ca/labs/hydrological-analysis/home


Event Details

12:30 PM - 01:30 PM CST