Global Water Futures

Working with GWF researchers, Gopal Saha will support all aspects of data management, analysis, policy, access and archiving for the research team in the NWT.

Gopal Saha obtained his PhD in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies from the University of Northern British Columbia, where he investigated climate and land use changes impacts on groundwater-surface water interaction in the Kiskatinaw River Watershed, northeast British Columbia. Prior to joining Laurier, he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Institute for Environmental Sustainability (IES) in Mount Royal University, Canada. At IES he was lead investigator examining the effects of hydraulic fracturing (i.e., water withdrawal) and its associated activities (i.e., construction of roads and well pads). His research examined surface water and groundwater flows, surface water and groundwater levels, environmental flow (instream flow needs) and groundwater contribution to surface water flow under climate change conditions in the Upper Peace River Region of north-western Alberta, Canada.