Mehdi Gharasoo PhD
Post-doctoral Fellow Ecohydrology research group, University of WaterlooMy primary research interests lie at the intersection of Environmental, Earth, and Computational sciences, and more specifically involve developing and employing computational tools for modeling the spatio-temporal dynamics of biogeochemical/ecohydrological processes at the soil-water interfaces inside the vadose and groundwater zones. As a computational analyst, I use modeling as a tool for mechanistic understanding of the underlying mechanisms in an environmental or experimental system. As a result, my research is a mixture of pure computational analysis and environmentally-related projects which relate and employ the computer models.
Research Area(s)
- Geomicrobial and biochemical processes in groundwater
- Spatially-resolved numerical models (FVM, FEM, Pore networks, etc.)
- Fate and the transport of contaminants inside subsurface environments
- Fluid flow and reactive transport in saturated and unsaturated porous media
- Interactions between fluid and soil matrix
- Compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA)