Thematic priorities

a. Production runs using MESH (plus HYPE and VIC simulations as benchmarks). These runs are critical to provide baseline multi-model water security assessments for Canada. The runs will include both hydrological reanalyses as well as scenarios of change.
b. Additional modifications of MESH and CRHM. Work is planned to improve the process representations in CRHM, with particular focus on the glacier and prairie pothole parameterizations. Work is also planned to modify MESH to incorporate groundwater, small lakes and wetlands, while improving the existing glacier and permafrost algorithms in MESH. Additions of water temperature, sediment and nutrient models in MESH will continue with a goal to move towards the CHM integrated platform.
c. Support for MESH and CRHM. The core modeling team will provide other GWF projects with support for using MESH and CRHM.
Faculty Leads
Highly Qualified Personnel