
The Global Water Futures Operations Team Meeting was held in-person and online.

The meeting was held at Wilfrid Laurier University on November 23 and 24, 2022, and primarily focused on assessment and syntheses of GWF outcomes from across our projects and core teams.

Group photo of the in-person attendees at the 2022 GWF Operations Team meeting.


Poster Presentations

Projects contributed posters to summarize progress, user engagement, results, outcomes and their application/uptake, and the relevance of these outcomes. (Click images to view the posters.)

Climate-Related Precipitation Extremes

Agricultural Water Futures

Boreal Water Futures

Integrated Modelling Program for Canada

Northern Water Futures

Co-Creation of Indigenous Water Quality Tools



Prairie Water

Lake Futures

Geogenic Contamination of Groundwater Resources in Subarctic Regions

We need more than just water: Assessing sediment limitation in a large freshwater delta

Short-duration extreme precipitation in future climate

Saint John River Experiment on Cold Season Storms (SAJESS)

Storms and Precipiation Across the Continental Divide Experiment (SPADE)


Sensors and Sensing Systems for Water
Quality Monitoring


Mountain Water Futures

FORecasting tools and Mitigation options for diverse BLOOM-affected lakes

Sub-Arctic Metal Mobility Study (SAMMS)

Groundwater, Climate Change and Water Security in the Canadian Prairies

Transformative Sensor
Technologies and Smart
Watersheds (TTSW)

Knowledge Mobilization Core Team


Quantile Mapping CMIP6 simulations for Canada


Water Justice - Local to Global and Back Again


Shear mediates downward heat fluxes in
unstably stratified environments



Analysis of Arsenic
Speciation and Total
Mercury Levels in Fish
from the Mushkegowuk



Download a printable version of the meeting agenda

Wednesday, November 23, 2022 

Time (EST)


Topic / Title

Meeting Opening (Chair: Jennifer Baltzer)

9:00–9:10 AM

Darren Thomas

Welcoming remarks

9:10–9:30 AM

John Pomeroy and Corinne Schuster-Wallace

Overview and Status of Global Water Futures and goals for the Operations Team Meeting

GWF Core Team Updates (Chair: Phani Adapa)

9:30–9:48 AM

Andrea Rowe

EDI Strategy and Training

9:48–10:11 AM

Al Pietroniro

Modelling and Forecasting

10:11–10:34 AM

Kevin Schneider

Computer Science and Visualization

10:34–10:40 AM

Video from Matawa First Nations

10:40–11:00 AM


GWF Core Team Updates continued (Chair: Chris DeBeer)

11:00–11:18 AM

Lawrence Martz

Knowledge Mobilization

11:18–11:36 AM

Stephen O’Hearn

Data Management

11:36–11:54 AM

Mark Ferguson


11:54–12:12 PM

Andras Szeitz

GWF Young Professionals updates

12:12–1:30 PM


Thematic Syntheses and Guided Discussions

1:30–2:30 PM

National assessments (including prediction, agriculture, water quality, extremes)—and this can include international as well

Chairs/leads: John Pomeroy, Corinne Schuster-Wallace

2:30–3:30 PM

Poster viewing and break

3:30–4:30 PM

National assessments (continued)

Chairs/leads: John Pomeroy, Corinne Schuster-Wallace

4:30–5:00 PM

Poster viewing

5:00–6:00 PM

Reception (@ Hawk's Nest (Turret))

6:00–7:00 PM

Dinner (@ Hawk's Nest (Turret))


Thursday November 24, 2022 

Time (EST)

Topic / Title

9:00–9:10 AM

Welcome and day-2 introduction

Thematic Syntheses and Guided Discussions

9:10–10:30 AM

Regional assessment and discussion of progress, results, what is needed, how to bring together


Chairs/leads: Nandita Basu, Dave Rudolph, Merrin Macrae

10:30–11:00 AM

Break and poster viewing

11:00–12:20 PM

Regional assessment and discussion (West)

Chairs/leads: Julie Thériault, Chris Spence

12:20–1:30 PM


1:30–2:50 PM

Regional assessment and discussion (North)

Chairs/leads: Jennifer Baltzer, Andrew Spring, Heidi Swanson

2:50–3:30 PM

Rapporteurs/Chairs to present the outcomes of sessions (10 min each)

3:30–3:40 PM

Closing remarks – John Pomeroy and Corinne Schuster-Wallace


4:00–5:30 PM

Strategic Management Committee meeting


GWF Code of Conduct

  1. Treat all participants with dignity and respect in accordance with the principle of Manācihitowin: a Cree/Michif phrase that translates to ‘let us respect each other’.
  2. Participate with academic integrity in accordance with the University of Saskatchewan’s Guidelines for Academic Conduct.
  3. Provide your true professional identity, affiliation, and, where appropriate, contact information, at registration, and during attendance and conference sessions, as required.
  4. Demonstrate respect for others by practicing active listening skills (e.g., keeping microphones muted while others speak, asking questions, engaging in an open dialogue of ideas).
  5. Respect the rules and policies of the meeting hosts including the digital platform providers.
  6. There will be no tolerance for any behavior that is considered by a participant to be harassment, bullying, threatening, violent, or aggressive.
  7. Should anyone engage in conduct that constitutes harassment, bullying, threatening, violence, or aggression they will be immediately removed from the event.
  8. If you need to report a violation of this code of conduct please email GWFEDI@Usask.ca. This account will be monitored throughout the event.
  9. Practice accountability by working together to identify problems and adjust practices to create a welcoming environment for everyone.


Global Water Futures values equity, diversity, and inclusion. Masking will be required for this event and we will take other precautions to reduce the transmission of Covid-19. If you require any support to make the meeting accessible for you, please get in touch with gwfedi@usask.ca as soon as possible so that we can work with you to ensure the venue, hotel, and transportation are accessible.

About the GWF Operations Team

The Operations Team consists of GWF project principal/co-principal investigators and project managers, the GWF core team leads, young professional executive, secretariat, and core knowledge mobilization, outreach, data management, and communications staff.  The purpose of this team is to facilitate interactions among all projects and core teams, identify program gaps and opportunities, track progress, and enhance communication, knowledge mobilization, and data sharing.

The team has held four previous meetings: Inception Meeting, Waterloo, ON, January 21-23, 2018; Operations Team Meeting, Saskatoon, SK, January 21-23, 2019; Operations Team Meeting, Hamilton, ON, November 19-20, 2019; and a virtual meeting online, December 9-10, 2021.