Summary Report
See the summary report on the meeting.
Overview and Agenda
Global Water Futures is planning to hold an Operations Team meeting online on December 9 & 10, 2021, from 1100-1230h and 1300-1430h EST each day. The meeting will involve short updates from core teams and prepared written updates by projects, providing an opportunity to catch up and strategize on important matters as we move into the final years of the GWF program. We plan to explore how GWF is contributing to understanding and predicting Canada’s water future over the 21st century (i.e. 2050, 2100), focusing on the following:
- Climate scenarios and extremes
- Water quality stressors
- Ecosystem change
- Hydrological change
- Human and health dimensions
The agenda for the meeting is avaialble here Final Agenda.
One of the anticipated outcomes is to identify areas of synergy that could lead to supported synthetic activities across projects. Most of the meeting will be devoted to break-out discussion sessions, and in preparation we are asking all GWF projects to provide an update on activities and accomplishments by filling this Report Template.
For more information contact
Core Team Presentations
Project Reports
Indigenous Community Water Research Projects
- Is our Water Good to Drink? Water-Related Practices, Perceptions and Traditional Knowledge Indicators for Human Health (PIs: Diane Giroux, Corinne Schuster-Wallace, Lalita Bharadwaj)
- Matawa Water Futures: Developing an Indigenous-Informed Framework for Watershed Monitoring and Stewardship (PIs: Sarah Cockerton, Terry Mitchell)
- FIShNET (Fish & IndigenouS NorthErn health) - Healthy Water, Healthy Fish, Healthy People (PIs: Vern Cheechoo, Kelly Skinner)
- We need more than just water: Assessing sediment limitation in a large freshwater delta (PIs: Gary Carriere, Tim Jardine)
- Ohneganos – Indigenous ecological knowledge, training and co-creation of mixed method tools (PIs: Beverly Jacobs, Lori Davis Hill, Dawn Martin-Hill, Christine Wekerle)
- Water knowledge camps: building capacity for cross-cultural water knowledge, research, and environmental monitoring (PIs: Leon Andrew, Jennifer Baltzer)
Pillar 1&2 Projects
Phase 1
- Southern Forests Water Futures (PI: Altaf Arain)
- Collaborative Modelling Framework for Water Futures and Holistic Human Health Effects (PI: Lalita Bharadwaj)
- Linking Water Governance in Canada to Global Economic, Social and Political Drivers (PI: Rob de Loe)
- Old Meets New - Subsurface Hydrogeological Connectivity and Groundwater Protection (PI: Grant Ferguson)
- Developing ‘Omic’ and Chemical Fingerprinting Methodologies - Using Ultrahigh-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Geochemistry and Healthy Waters (PI: Paul Jones)
- Evaluation of Ice Models in Large Lakes - Using Three-Dimensional Coupled Hydrodynamic-Ice Models (PI: Kevin Lamb)
- Short‐Duration Extreme Precipitation in Future Climate (PI: Yanping Li)
- Prairie Drainage Governance (PI: Philip Loring)
- Linking Stream Network Process Models to Robust Data Management Systems for the Purpose of Land-Use Decision Support (PI: Bruce MacVicar)
- Winter Soil Processes in Transition (PI: Fereidoun Rezanezhad)
- Global Water Citizenship - Integrating Networked Citizens, Scientists and Local Decision Makers (PI: Colin Robertson)
- Sensors and Sensing Systems for Water Quality Monitoring (PI: Ravi Selvaganapathy)
- Linking Multiple Stressors to Adverse Ecological Responses Across Watersheds (PI: Mark Servos)
- Crowdsourcing Water Science (PI: Graham Strickert)
- Storms and Precipitation Across the Continental Divide Experiment (SPADE) (PI: Julie Thériault)
- Sub-Arctic Metal Mobility Study (SAMMS) (PI:Brent Wolfe)
- Adaptation Governance and Policy Changes in Relation to a Changing Moisture Regime Across the Southern Boreal Forest (PI: Colin Laroque)
- Significance of Groundwater Dynamics Within Hydrologic Models (PI: Walter Illman)
- Diagnosing and Mitigating Hydrologic Model Uncertainty in High-Latitude Canadian Watersheds (PI: Tricia Stadnyk)
- Hydrological Processes in Frozen Soils (PI: Andrew Ireson)
- Improved Estimates of Wetland Evaporation (PI: Warren Helgason)
Phase 2
- Geogenic contamination of groundwater resources in subarctic regions (PI: Matt Lindsay)
- Hydrology-ecology feedbacks in the Arctic: Narrowing the gap between theory and models (PIs: Martyn Clark, Jennifer Baltzer)
- Saint John river Experiment on cold Season Storms (SaJESS) (PI: Julie Thèriault)
- What is Water Worth? Valuing Canada’s Water Resources and Aquatic Ecosystem Services (PIs: Roy Brouwer, Patrick Lloyd-Smith)
- Boreal Water Futures: Modelling Hydrological Processes for Wildfire and Carbon Management (PIs: Mike Waddington, Maria Strack)
- Paradigm Shift in Downscaling Climate Model Projections: Building Models and Tools to Advance Climate Change Research in Cold Regions (PI: Simon Papalexiou)
- New Tools for Northern Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment (Jeffrey McKenzie)
- Towards Saskatchewan Well Water Security: Knowledge and Tools for People and Livestock Health (PIs: Corinne Schuster-Wallace, Sarah Dickson-Anderson)
- Managing Urban Eutrophication Risks under Climate Change: An Integrated Modelling and Decision Support Framework (PI: Philippe Van Cappellen)
- Remotely Sensed Monitoring of Northern lake Ice Using RADARSAT Constellation Mission and Cloud Computing Processing (PIs: Homa Kheyrollah Pour, Andrea Scott, Grant Gunn)
- Groundwater, Climate Change and Water Security in the Canadian Prairies (PIs: Grant Ferguson, Andrea Brookfield)
- Artificial Intelligence Applications for Rapid and Reliable Detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts (PI: Younggy Kim)
Pillar 3 Projects
- Climate-Related Precipitation Extremes (PIs: Ronald Stewart, Francis Zwiers)
- Northern Water Futures (PI: Jennifer Baltzer)
- Next Generation Solutions for Healthy Water Resources (PI: John Giesy)
- FORMBLOOM - Forecasting Tools and Mitigation Options for Diverse Bloom-Affected Lakes (PI: Helen Baulch)
- Agriculture Water Futures (PI: Merrin Macrae)
- Boreal Water Futures (PI: Mike Waddington)
- Prairie Water (PIs: Chris Spence, Colin Whitfield)
- Integrated Modelling Program for Canada (PIs: Saman Razavi, Karl-Erich Lindenschmidt)
- Mountain Water Futures (PI: Sean Carey)
- Lake Futures (PI: Nandita Basu)
- Transformative Sensor Technologies and Smart Watersheds (PI: Claude Duguay)
- Co-Creation of Indigenous Water Quality Tools (PI: Dawn Martin-Hill)
Affiliated and Other Projects
- Warming Estuaries, Closing Gates: Understanding Estuarine Thermal Sensitivity to Climate Change (PI: Barret Kurylyk)
- Assessing the future projection of soil moisture and streamflow in the Canadian Prairie region relative to tree-ring reconstructions of the past millennium (PI: Dave Sauchyn)
- GWF Visualization Task Force – Visualization Platform for Modelers (PIs: Kevin Schnieder, Debajyoti Mondal)
- GWF core modelling - Water resources management theme (PI: Tricia Stadnyk)
Synthesis of Reports
GWF Code of Conduct
- Treat all participants with dignity and respect in accordance with the principle of Manācihitowin: a Cree/Michif phrase that translates to ‘let us respect each other’.
- Participate with academic integrity in accordance with the University of Saskatchewan’s Guidelines for Academic Conduct.
- Provide your true professional identity, affiliation, and, where appropriate, contact information, at registration, and during attendance and conference sessions, as required.
- Demonstrate respect for others by practicing active listening skills (e.g., keeping microphones muted while others speak, asking questions, engaging in an open dialogue of ideas).
- Respect the rules and policies of the meeting hosts including the digital platform providers.
- There will be no tolerance for any behavior that is considered by a participant to be harassment, bullying, threatening, violent, or aggressive.
- Should anyone engage in conduct that constitutes harassment, bullying, threatening, violence, or aggression they will be immediately removed from the event.
- If you need to report a violation of this code of conduct please email This account will be monitored throughout the event.
- Practice accountability by working together to identify problems and adjust practices to create a welcoming environment for everyone.
About the GWF Operations Team
The Operations Team consists of GWF project principal/co-principal investigators and project managers, the GWF core team leads, young professional executive, secretariat, and core knowledge mobilization, outreach, data management, and communications staff. The purpose of this team is to facilitate interactions among all projects and core teams, identify program gaps and opportunities, track progress, and enhance communication, knowledge mobilization, and data sharing.
The team has held three previous meetings: Inception Meeting, Waterloo, ON, January 21-23, 2018; Operations Team Meeting, Saskatoon, SK, January 21-23, 2019; and Operations Team Meeting, Hamilton, ON, November 19-20, 2019.